Earlier this week, we addressed Ryan Gosling's letter to NMPF (National Milk Producers Federation) in regards to the practice of dehorning (www.hoards.com/blog_dehorning-calves)
In the past few years, it seems as if agricultural majors have received a great deal of flack. In 2011, The Daily Beast (an online news information site) listed "agriculture" as their third most useless...
After reviewing the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announcement from Tuesday, March 12, it became crystal clear that dairy contributed the largest cost savings for NASS' mandated budget...
The weather changes every day, there's no way around it. But is it a trend? Factors outside meteorologists, hurricanes and snowstorms can be offered as proof. I'm giving up on "climate consistency." That's...
Family Dairies USA, Madison, Wis., the Manitowoc Milk Producers Cooperative, Manitowoc, Wis., and Milwaukee Cooperative Milk Producers, Brookfield, Wis., formally announced that they would begin member...
Are you fed up yet with undercover videos that show cows being mistreated? Are you sick and tired yet of how it makes you feel to see the dairy industry's image trashed? Are you scared yet that the public's...
We all know that dairy provides food and nutrition to millions each day in the form of milk, cheese, ice cream and yogurt. When a milk cow is finished producing milk, she is a great resource for more products....
"Rethinking your feeding options for 2013" was the topic of discussion on yesterday's (October) Hoard's Dairyman webinar presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois. Drought-stressed feed, low yields...
North America's Finest Cows selected as Champions at World Dairy Expo. Having the exhilarating task of placing the International Holstein Show was Michael Heath of Maryland with the help of Associate Judge...
In a state often fraught with regulatory burdens, New York's political entity has finally seen the need to work with and not against agriculture in upstate. The current boom in the state's yogurt industry...
With half of the country now in a drought disaster area, if there was ever a year for dairy farmers to take reducing silage losses seriously, this is it. The most silage you have is when it is standing...
On a decent number of dairy operations, migrant workers comprise a portion or the majority of the labor force. These are people we have come to depend on day to day to successfully run our dairies
Economist Herbert Stein (1916-1999) had a keen wit and ability to sum up complex financial concepts in simple ways. A former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, he is best remembered...
A recent article from The Wall Street Journal, paired with our analysis, shows agriculture majors still have some worth. It seems like agriculture majors just can't catch a break. Last year, The Daily...
By cutting the beginning or ending of a quote, whole speeches can be turned on their head. With video, it's even easier. David Letterman started a now-popular segment called Stupid Pet Tricks in 1982....
Leader, problem solver, teacher, and cowman. These are all words that easily describe the career of Dr. Leland Allenstein who passed away on October 22. Dr. Allenstein's influence on students, veterinarians,...